Koh Tao, Thailand

Ocean Republic

Although Koh Tao is home to over 100 dive centres, Ocean Republic is the only shop affiliated with Sea Shepherd Dive. This particular shop’s conservation-oriented approach to teaching scuba diving is extremely unique and OR’s success easily shows eco-tourism’s major opportunity in the dive industry. One interesting package Ocean Republic offers is the combination of both the Open Water certification and Sea Shepherd Dive’s Coral Propagation Course. This offering is completely unique to any other dive shop in Koh Tao and all of Asia.

Our newest Coral Nursery

Coral Propagation from Shore

Koh Tao is currently Sea Shepherd Dive’s newest coral nursery addition, but despite it’s recent procreation, Ocean Republic is one of our top contributors teaching coral courses and promoting SSD. In fact, it is almost impossible to go somewhere on the island without seeing an Ocean Republic / SSD t-shirt, or some sort of Sea Shepherd sign—it’s a beautiful thing. The coral nursery here is in a prime location, straight out from the beach, making shore access possible and coral propagation incredibly easy.